

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ballou receives dramatically low funding. After reading through the financial report on DCPS' website and talking with Jon a few main points are clear in conclusion:

-there is little technology for students and teachers to use.
-the library is unbelievably small and lack research equipment for kids.
-students have no ability to do research projects because there are no resources.
-there are incredibly large class sizes that break union contracts but go unnoticed because it would be too expensive to hire more teachers.
-elective options are few if any.
-not enough food for Title I schools offering free or reduced breakfast and lunches
-poor facilities
-the facilities which students use are dangerous (no cameras, water shortages, asbestos, lack of security staff)
-there is no where to put misbehaving students (not enough staff to have in school suspension).
-negative work environment (teachers buying own paper and supplies) results in teacher and staff turnover.
-there is no money for field trips / busses.

While my main focus of this blog was to uncover major monetary problems another major problem I found that was reoccurring were the problems with the administration. These are just a few of the problems that became evident.

-the central district office was incredibly disorganized. 
-vague job descriptions for administrators with no accountability vs. teacher's accountability observations (many national claims have been made that the problem in education now are the teachers.)
- students receive no consequences like detentions or suspensions.
-there are no systems in place to stop or prevent fights/weapons/fires.
-there is little to no structure (no late passes, tardy hall procedure) which holds the kids accountable.
-there is an extreme focus on passing students to make the administrators data look good regardless whether the students educational needs are met. 

While I said in my last post at the school has failed the students after their neighborhood has, one thing has become very clear to me. It is not so much that the school has failed them, after all there are many teachers who I personally met who strive day in and day out to make their classroom a safe and vigorous learning environment, but the lack of funding and serious administration issues which have failed the students. There are not enough funds allocated to fit the students needs.


A quick look at Ballou Senior High Schools library...and their serious lack of resources.